Newark Religion

Old Newark

Altar Relic
Photo and comment from Charles McGrath:

I contacted Rev.Robert P.Eagan many years ago to ask him about the indentity of the relic in the altar. At that time he had just left Boys Town in Kearny. He along with Rev. Edward J.Larkin were  the oldest priests that I contacted to no avail. They had no idea what relic was encapsulated in the altar. I think it could be a portion of wood from the True Cross placed there in circa 1927 A.D.

Altar Relic

Photo and comment from Charles McGrath:

I contacted Rev.Robert P.Eagan many years ago to ask him about the indentity of the relic in the altar. At that time he had just left Boys Town in Kearny. He along with Rev. Edward J.Larkin were the oldest priests that I contacted to no avail. They had no idea what relic was encapsulated in the altar. I think it could be a portion of wood from the True Cross placed there in circa 1927 A.D.

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