
1911 Map217 views399, 407, 409 Broad Street

1912 Map217 views


217 viewsPhoto from "Newark & It's Leading Businessmen 1891"

217 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 57, 1925"



1892 Map216 views324 Washington Street

1908 Map216 viewsClinton & Johnson Avenues

1908 Map216 views12 Court House Place

216 viewsOn right behind trees.


216 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Grave Discord Exists in Lyons Farms Church216 views

1874 Map215 views236 Washington Street

1892 Map215 views475, 483 Ferry Street

1892 Map215 views125, 143 Union Street

1908 Map215 views

215 viewsPhoto from Bill Montferret

1847 Map215 views165 Market Street
"G" on the map

2017215 views670 Fourth Street

2016215 viewsGoogle Maps

2003214 viewsPhoto from Jule Spohn

1873214 views78 - 86 Pennsylvania Ave. c. Gillette Place

1911 Map214 views110 8th Avenue

1889 Map214 views25 Clinton Ave. c. Halsey Street

1892 Map214 viewsW. Kinney c. Charlton St.

1847 Map214 views10 - 26 Mulberry Street
"O" on the map

2017214 views99 Davenport Avenue

213 viewsFrom "The History of St. John's Church"

1897213 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

1873213 views25 Clinton Ave. c. Halsey Street

1873213 views137 Wickliffe Street

Sunday Morning in Front of the First Presbyterian Church 213 viewsPostcard

1868 Map213 views

1908 Map213 views114, 144, 146 Clinton Ave. c. Murray Street

Building in 1960's213 viewsPhoto from the Samuel Berg Collection at the Newark Public Library

Lutheran Church Sixty Years Old213 viewsJanuary 17, 1904

1874 Map212 views36/44 Roseville Ave.

Present Church212 viewsPhoto from "History of the Church of St. Rose of Lima"

1889 Map212 views194 Summer Avenue Location

1908 Map212 viewsThirteenth Ave. c. South Eighth Street

1908 Map212 views977 - 981 Broad Street


2017212 views55 Roseville Avenue

2017212 views25 Mercer Street

1911 Map212 views

1874 Map211 views1035 Broad Street


1892 Map211 views194 - 198 Summer Avenue c. Kearny Avenue

211 viewsPostcard

~1900211 viewsPhoto from the Newark Evening News

1966210 viewsPhoto from "Old First Church"

210 viewsFrom "The History of St. John's Church"

1873 Map210 viewsMadison Street c. Ferry Street Location

210 viewsPhoto from Dan Silva.

1909210 viewsOriginally the offices of Hanson & Van Winkle Co.

1908 Map210 views


2017210 views163 Bloomfield Avenue

Comfortable Rectory Provided at Church of Blessed Sacrament210 viewsFebruary 18, 1906

An Unusual Funeral210 viewsJanuary 18, 1903

1874 Map209 views510 Broad Street

209 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

1892 Map209 views114, 144, 146 Clinton Ave. c. Murray Street

1908 Map209 views

1908 Map209 views221- 223 Bruce Street

1909 Map209 views76 Eighth Ave. corner John Street

1913 Proposal209 views

Rally of the Junior Christian Endeavor Union209 views

Cleaning the Weather Vane208 viewsFrom the William F. Cone Collection

1897208 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

1889 Map208 viewsWest Kinney & Charlton Streets Location

1908 Map208 views125, 143 Union Street

1909 Map208 views50 - 52 Clinton Place & Millington Avenue

The first set of steeples is St. Paul's Methodist Church208 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

Founding Members208 viewsFrom Sylvia E Glassford

1908 Map208 views

Dr. Martin Luther King208 views03/27/1968-Newark, NJ: Dr. Martin Luther King embraces nine-year-old Patricia Kinsey as he is greeted by school children and others at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Newark. King toured Newark seeking support for his upcoming Poor People's Campaign in Washington, DC.
Photo from Bettmann

Location in 2019208 views
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