
1792207 viewsPhoto from "Old First Church"

207 viewsPhoto from Dan Silva.

1926 Map207 views646 - 654 Summer Avenue

1910 Postcard207 views

Ministers & Officers207 viewsFrom Sylvia E Glassford

1892 Map207 views

1855206 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from “Ballou’s Pictorial” April 14, 1855


206 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916

1881206 viewsFrom "The 1881 Year Book of the Churches of Essex & Union Counties"

1892 Map206 views25 Clinton Ave. c. Halsey Street

1892 Map206 views

2017206 views156 Chestnut Street

206 viewsPhoto from Essex County Illustrated 1897

1873 Map205 views58, 99 Lafayette Street, c. Madison, c. Jefferson

205 viewsFrom "The 1881 Year Book of the Churches of Essex & Union Counties"

1892 Map205 views

205 viewsPhoto from "Official Programme Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition 1916"

St. James Anniversary205 viewsJune 17, 1906

1897204 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

1873 Map204 views30 Clinton Street

1926 Map204 viewsLittleton Avenue n. South Orange Avenue


M. F. Walz204 views1925
Photo from Raymond Janis

Present Church used as School203 viewsPhoto from "History of the Church of St. Rose of Lima"

1873 Map203 views208 Belleville Ave. corner Kearny Street

1912 Map203 views39 Morton Street n. High Street

1908 Map203 views227 Market Street

1909 Map203 views21 Sheffield Street

Partial Facade (after the church moved to Clinton Avenue)203 viewsPostcard
Image from Gonzalo Alberto


The New West Presbyterian Church203 views


Original Location is the Center of the Photo203 views

1874 Map202 views475, 483 Ferry Street

202 viewsFrom "The History of St. John's Church"

1873 Map202 views36/44 Roseville Ave.

1911 Map202 views106 Sussex Avenue n. Dey Street

1868 Map202 views221 - 239 Plane Street

1908 Map202 views475, 483 Ferry Street

1908 Map202 views90 Union Street

1895 Map Drawing202 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

202 viewsPhoto from Kane Lodge, 100th Anniversary

Facade of South Park Presbyterian 2012201 viewsGoogle Image

201 viewsFrom "The History of St. John's Church"

201 viewsFrom "The 50th Anniversary of the High St. Presbyterian Church" 1899

1892 Map201 views68 - 70 Bowery Street (Fleming Avenue) c. Freeman Street

1925201 viewsImage from "Broad National Bancorporation"

1851 Newark Churches plus Ward Population and Amount per Ward201 viewsNewark Daily Advertiser 10-09-1851



1908 Map200 views221 - 239 Plane Street

1908 Map200 views

1786199 viewsPhoto from "Old First Church"

1897199 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

199 viewsPhoto from Dan Silva.

199 viewsPhoto from Dan Silva.

Woodside Presbyterian Church199 viewsFrom "Woodside" by C. G. Hine

199 viewsFrom "History of the Newark Baptist City Mission"

1892 Map199 views39 Morton Street n. High Street

1908 Map199 views365 - 377 Clinton Avenue c. Ridgewood Avenue

1856199 viewsImage from "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper" March 8, 1856

199 viewsImage from the American Catholic Historical Society

199 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

Sexton's House198 viewsPhoto from "History of the Church of St. Rose of Lima"

198 viewsFrom "The 50th Anniversary of the High St. Presbyterian Church" 1899

1889 Map198 views125, 143 Union Street

1868 Map198 views211 Market Street

1892 Map198 views90 Union Street

1908 Map198 views68 - 70 Bowery Street (Fleming Avenue) c. Freeman Street

Data on Building198 views

1919198 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

1922 Fire197 viewsPhoto from “The North Reformed Church Ninetieth Anniversary”

1873 Convent197 views

1912 Map197 views114, 144, 146 Clinton Ave. c. Murray Street

1889 Map197 views36/44 Roseville Ave.

1927 Map197 views55 Barbara Street c. Niagara

1892 Map197 views935 - 937 Broad Street

1892 Map197 views221 - 239 Plane Street

1892 Map197 views337 - 341 S. Orange Ave. c. Tenth Street
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