Most viewed - Blessed Sacrament Church

2000 November597 viewsPhoto by Doris Gethard

2000 November493 viewsPhoto by Doris Gethard


Fire in a Church312 views

2000308 viewsPhoto from Glenn G Geisheimer

1925303 viewsPhoto from "New Jersey; Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State:1926"

298 viewsOn the night of 25 September 1925, Submarine S-51 was operating on the surface near Block Island, with her running lights on. The merchant steamer City of Rome spotted a single white masthead light but were unable to determine its course, speed, or intentions. The ship altered her course away from the unknown light to give whatever it might be greater leeway. Meanwhile, S-51 spotted the ship's masthead and green sidelights, and held her course as she was required to do by the Rules of the Road then in effect. Shortly after altering course, City of Rome spotted the submarine's red sidelight and realized that they were on collision courses. She turned and backed her engines, but it was too late. Twenty-two minutes after first spotting the submarine's masthead light, the steamer rammed her. Only three of the 36 men in the submarine were able to abandon ship before she sank.
This is a photo of the funeral for William C. Teschmacher at Blessed Sacrament RC Church on October 8th.
The family lived at 10 Cypress Street.

Handsome Church of Spanish Type294 views

287 viewsPhoto from Newark NJ Memories

275 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

275 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

254 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Comfortable Rectory Provided at Church of Blessed Sacrament210 viewsFebruary 18, 1906

1909 Map208 views50 - 52 Clinton Place & Millington Avenue

1912 Map160 views50 - 52 Clinton Place & Millington Avenue
