Roseville Methodist Church

June 11, 1858 -



Founded in 1855 with 20 members and Edward Colver as the leader. The congregation was officially organized on June 11, 1858. The first church building was dedicated in 1859. The second church building was dedicated in 1874. The third church was dedicated on June 10, 1890.

Reverends Addresses Archive


Reverend From To
B. L. Thompson 1856 1856
William Copp 1857 1858
George H. Jones 1859 1859
George W. Treat 1860 1861
B. F. Simpson 1862 1863
F. A. Farrow 1864 1864
J. M. Pierson 1864 1864
Jesse L. Hurlbut 1865 1866
S. O. Crawford 1867 1867
W. I. Gill 1868 1870
J. R. Adams 1871 1873
J. D. Blain 1874 1875
Jonathan H. Dalley 1876 1877
J. L. G. McKown 1878 1878
George W. Smith 1879 1881
James W. Marshall 1882 1884
D. R. Lowrie 1885 1885
R. Vanhorne 1886 1888
J. M. Meeker 1889 1892
A. H. Tuttle 1893 1896
Henry Spellmeyer 1897 1900
Thomas I. Coultas 1901 1906
Dorr F. Diefendorf 1907 1920
Dr. Karl K. Quimby 1921 1926
Dr. John M. Versteeg 1926 1929
William Ernest Lowther 1929 1931
Dr. Harry Ayers Relyea 1931 1937
Dr. Edson R. Leach 1937 1960
James Dixon Watt 1960 1965
Joseph Ford 1965 1966
Walter H. Schenck 1966 1967
Herman A. Soderberg 1967 1974

Address From To
Roseville Ave. 1859 1860
Bank Street, c. Gray 1861 1862
Warren, c. Gray (same address as above) 1863 1874
Myrtle Ave. n. Warren Street 1874 1890
525 - 533 Orange Street 1890 after 1974

Archive Information (Last Known location)

Records are located at Drew University.
History, 1927
The Past Assures the Future, 1943
50th Anniversary, 1940
Yearbook, 1950
Reception, 1960