Church Name Denomination Organized Closed
Halsey Street Methodist October 1, 1808 1941
Hamedrosh Hagodol, Congregation Beth Jewish 1935 after 1941
Harmony Baptist 1935 1936
Havrow Tilon, Congregation Jewish 1926 1926
Hellenic Canonical Greek Orthodox 1917 1919
High Street/Seventh Presbyterian September 16, 1849 after 1940
Hill Temple Mission Presbyterian 1910 after 1942
Holy Trinity Lutheran November 18, 1902 after 1957
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic 1902 2014
Holy Trinity Baptist 1924 after 1951
Hopewell Baptist 1925 after 1957
House of Hope/North Park Presbyterian October 30, 1890 after 1940
House of Prayer Episcopal 1847 after 1957
Houston Street Mission/Twelfth Chapel/Dashiell Memorial Methodist 1861 1907
Hoyt Presbyterian 1856 1891
Hungarian Church of the Assumption Roman Catholic 1911 after 1957
Hungarian Mission Presbyterian 1909 1914
Hymns and Psalms, Congregation Jewish 1930 after 1941