Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cathedral

93 Parker Street
Newark, New Jersey 07104

1890 - Present


Official Web Site

The Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church was erected in 1890 as a frame building. The next year a brick structure was built. The Cathedral was built in the 1910's. The parish school was founded in 1890, with the convent being built in 1900. The exterior of the cathedral is made of Troy white granite from New Hampshire (American Architect & Building News - 1906 Vol 90).

Newspaper Articles

April 8, 1900 - Four Huge Steam Derricks Rigged at the New Cathedral Site
November 14, 1909 - Dispute over Catherdral


Reverends Addresses LDS FHC
Microfilm #'s


Reverend From To
Michael A. McManus 1890 February, 1892
J. J. Brennan 1892 March 20, 1897 (Death)
J. J. Sheehan 1897 1920/21
Edward J. Barrett 1921/22 1936
Cornelius A. Corcoran 1938 1941
William E. Thompson 1909 1915
William J. Landers 1915 1920/21

Address From To
93 Parker Street 1890 Present

LDS FHC Microfilm #'s

Information Starting Year Ending Year LDS Microfilm #
Marriages 1890 1965 1378395
Baptisms 1890 1926 1378395
Confirmations 1893 1896 1378395
Confirmations 1924 1963 1378395

Archive Information (Last Known location)

NOTE: Microfilm originals are at the church. Includes individual indexes. The marriage index is for grooms only.