Christ Reformed Church
October 30, 1872 -
Christ Reformed Church was organized on October 30, 1872. It was preceded
by the formation of a Sunday School. Many of the original members came
from the Woodside Presbyterian Church. At a neighborhood meeting on May
16, 1871 they voted to form a church society to be based on the standard
of belief of the Presbyterian Church and to be called Christ Church of
Woodside. By September, 1872, it had been decided to organize a Dutch
Reformed church and to make overtures to the Classis of Newark. That being
done the church opened for worship on March 2, 1873.
Notes taken from the church books:
"At a meeting held at the house of Mr. Charles C. Hine, and composed
of representatives from thirteen families of the neighborhood, it was
resolved to organize a Church Society. After reading of the scriptures
and prayer being offered by Rev. Dr. Macauley and Messrs. C. C. Hine and
H. H. Nichols, the meeting was formally organized by the election of Horace
H. Nichols as Chairman and Jas. Swinnerton, Jr., as Secretary."
"It was then voted to organize without a denominational name or connection,
and on the standard of belief of the Presbyterian Church, and it was also
decided, by a full vote, to call the Society 'Christ Church of Woodside'.
A committee composed of H. H. Nichols, C. C. Hine, E. A. Boyden and Jas.
Swinnerton Jr., was appointed to post the legal notice and arrange a meeting
for the election of officers, etc. The meeting then closed with prayer
by Dr. Macauley."
"The persons present at the above meeting were:
Rev.. Dr. Macauley
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hine
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. A Beach
Mrs. Callen
Mr. L. Dovell
Mr. Stent
Mr. Warnock
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boyden
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Blackwood
Mr. Jno. I. Briggs
Mrs. Miller
Mr. Dowling
Jas. Swinnerton, Jr.
JAS. SWINNERTON, Jr., Secretary."
"The following is a copy of a notice posted pursuant to vote of
meeting held the 16th inst.:
Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held at 8 o'clock on the
evening of Tuesday, May 30, 1871 at the house of Mr. Chas. C. Hine in
Newark, Essex Co., N. J., to complete the organization of a church to
be known as 'Christ Church of Woodside'. and to elect officers for the
same and to transact such other business in connection therewith as may
be necessary. Persons desirous of uniting are requested to present their
letters at that meeting.
H. H. Nichols,
C. C. Hine
Jas. Swinnerton, Jr.
E. A. Boyden
Woodside, May 18, 1871
The meeting was held on May 30, 1871 with the following names as the
first members:
H. H. Nichols
Mary C. Nichols
Amelia F. Nichols
C. C. Hine
Mary H. Hine
Jane A. Avery
B. G. Blackwood
R. T. Blackwood
E. A. Boyden
Louis Dovell
Mrs. Louis Dovell
Albert Beach
Maria A. Beach
Mrs. G. B. Callen
Jas. Swinnerton, Jr.
Elizabeth E. Swinnerton
The cornerstone of the present church was laid on June 14, 1906 after
the procurement of a $1,900 mortgage. Charles G. Jones of Belleville was
selected as the architect. Dedicated came on January 21, 1907. The complete
cost of the new church was just over $46,000.